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New year, new plans...

Alright, you lovely people?

Can you believe we're in the second half of January? An old farmer I know (my Dad!) told me today "we're in a new moon so we've got this weather for a month". My van was reading -2C today but yesterday it was reading -5C! I hope we're not, and I'm not sure I buy into this 'old farmer / green man / wikka / voodoo / divination' weather predicting thing!

At the workshop

It's been a slow start at KCD HQ. It always is at the start of the year. I'm getting back into the swing of things following a busy Christmas. Coupled with being older and the cold not agreeing with my lower back. Is 49 the new 80? It feels it today.

I've got lots going on along with orders I took at Christmas, and commissions and I'm slowly working my way through. Those of you patiently waiting will receive your orders in the next few days - it's such a joy seeing happy faces when they see their new pieces for the first time.

'Big' Plans

One of the biggest things happening in my workshop is to do with the structuring of the business. Many of you will know my background is in art. I have always enjoyed approaching my practical work from an arty angle. This is why you see the fluidity and fun in my ideas. I love to watch people looking at my work. It's probably one of my favourite things when I exhibit my work!

Intermingled with my arches, obelisks and intrigues there have been some sculptures which bring me a huge amount joy.

Working on my own, sculptural ideas, I can really let loose - why do you think they always look so crazy?! So, I've made the decision to set up a parallel profile for these my sculptural work. My usual work, the things that you all so kindly love me for is, and will remain, as Kev Colbear Design on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. My sculptural work will now come under Kev Colbear Studio on Instagram, and Facebook. Sculptures will be on my website in the near future, with a separate website coming later in the year.

I'd love for you to give these a follow, and I promise some REALLY wild things. Importantly though, I promise the Kev Colbear Design work will continue fervently!

Something's got to give

I'm dropping the bigger shows this year: Hampton Court, Tatton Park and Malvern. This will allow me more time in the workshop, and to further the sculptural pieces. I also get more time to see my new grandson, (l know, I know, I'm not old enough!) I'll be attending my favourite smaller events as usual, with the first one at Helmingham Hall in May. They'll be on my website diary, do take a look.

Kev's Festival of Makers has notched up another gear. We've so many amazing talented and brilliant makers and artists joining us this coming year. Miranda, who organises the events, has worked wonders for 2023 - we're getting set to offer more to you when you visit. Keep watching for further information and follow on Instagram and Facebook for all the latest news. Dates are now available so please add them to your diaries.

Looking forward

2023 is looking to be a marvellous year of new beginnings. I can't emphasise enough how much I'd like you to join me. Please follow my new pages, keep a look out for my work appearing in unexpected places and do come and visit my workshop - just give me a bell or drop me a line, I'll show you around the place and we can chat ideas!



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